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Please note that Marianne Broug requires that all mentees (people seeking guidance or information) read the Agreement and Disclaimer below and will draw the attention of all intending mentees to these documents prior to service being provided. A mentee’s willingness to participate in any dialogue will be taken by Marianne Broug to mean that they have read, understood and accepted each and every clause of the Agreement and Disclaimer.

Mentoring Agreement

Participation in face-to-face, Skype (or similar) or telephone mentoring with Marianne Broug establishes your agreement to the following terms and disclaimer.


1. Mentee Record Details - I confirm that all information provided by me (the mentee) regarding my name, gender, age and place of residence is true and correct. If I choose to conceal my true identity from Marianne Broug, I will tell her, and she may or may not choose to proceed on this basis.


2. Confidentiality – Marianne Broug will protect my private and confidential information by all reasonable means. Furthermore, she will store and maintain my electronic and hardcopy information in accordance with the Privacy Act. I understand and accept that if, in the mind of Marianne Broug, there seems to be a real likelihood of harm being done to a mentee, or harm to others being done by a mentee, she reserves the right to make a report to an appropriate authority.


3. Emergency Situations - I agree that, if at any time, I feel, think or believe I am in a crisis situation and require emergency assistance, I will not rely solely on Marianne Broug and will seek appropriate assistance elsewhere. (For example in Australia, by phoning: Emergency - '000'; Lifeline 24 hour crisis counselling line - 13 11 14; or a local doctor/hospital).


4. Referrals - I accept that Marianne Broug has a duty of care to all mentees and that I may be referred to another service if she decides that she is unable to assist me.


5. Legal Jurisdiction - I understand and accept that the Marianne Broug is governed and bound by the laws of the State of South Australia.


6. Fees - I understand and accept that all fees to Marianne Broug are to be paid prior each mentoring session or, if face-to-face, at each mentoring session. I agree that the length of a mentoring session will be agreed upon before the session commences and that the session will conclude at the end of this agreed time. I agree to pay the amount stipulated on the fee schedule for each session or as agreed upon beforehand. I agree to pay the stipulated cancellation/rescheduling fee of $40 if I cancel or reschedule an appointment without giving at least 48 hours notice (except in the case of a medical emergency). I accept that changes made with less than 24 hours notice will incur the full fee of the session.


7. Termination of Services - I agree to inform Marianne Broug if I wish to terminate mentoring. I also understand and accept that Marianne Broug may withdraw services at any time and that in this case a reason(s) will be provided to me.

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Mentoring Disclaimer

1 – Marianne Broug does not claim to have legally recognized qualifications or authority to be a counsellor or therapist. She acts as a guide or navigator for those who choose to contact her because they wish to pursue their serious interest in spirituality, our true nature and life lived beyond the mind. This may include clarifying of doubts and confusion, understanding pitfalls and obstacles, opening to greater depths, understanding what awakening is or isn't, and stabilisation of awakening as it is lived in everyday life.


2 – The mentoring service has been designed and is provided for people in a state of stable mental and physical health and functioning. It is not designed to treat, diagnose, cure or alleviate symptoms of any kind of mental or physical illness. Nor has it been designed to support people solely in their desire to discuss and overcome personal problems.


3 -- The service is offered in good faith and any advice or instruction provided in any interaction mentees may have with Marianne Broug should not be seen by them as a substitute for the professional advice of medical doctors, psychiatrists or clinical psychologists. In all cases it is the responsibility of each client to seek appropriate professional treatment for any symptoms of disease, dis-order or discomfort that they may be experiencing.


4 – Marianne Broug does not give any warranty or guarantee that personal problems (either expressed or implied) presented by a client can or will be resolved.


5 – Marianne Broug does not accept any liability or responsibility for any consequences of a mentee’s use of her services -- either beneficial or otherwise. A mentee’s use of the advice or information provided in a mentoring session, their interpretation of what they see or hear in such sessions or any effects on them or others which they attribute to such sessions is their responsibility alone. Although ultimately this journey may lead to greater peace, joy, contentment and freedom, the mentree acknowledges that at times the movement into a clear seeing of the nature of reality, can be extremely confronting, uncomfortable and dis-orienting; the mentee takes full responsibility for this and acknowledges that this may be a natural part of spiritual deepening or opening.


6 -- In no event shall Marianne Broug be liable to any person(s) for any loss or damage of any kind which may occur as a result of the counselling service(s) she provides.



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